Feines per nivells

dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2019


Do you know what it means to be in danger of extinction? Every day there are more and more animals that are making the list for endangered species. But, still today, many people do not really know what it means to be going extinct, why it happens and which animals are on this red list. According to official data, around 5000 species are considered in danger of extinction and these numbers have worsened alarmingly in the last ten years.
For this alarming reason, we are going to explain why and which are some of the animals under threat of extinction in the world.

Project to do:
1. Search information about the animal.
    • The animal
    • Where do they live?
    • Why are they an endangered animal?
2.  Create your own presentation 
    • Use photos or short videos.
3. After all the presentations .... What can we do to help them?
    • Think about it

Here there is a video of some oral presentations. 


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