Good morning everybody!!
What day is today???
Today is FRIDAY!
Let's listen the following audio. First Listen and then repeat!
Anem a escoltar el següent àudio. Primer escoltem i després repetim.
Question: Where is the lamp?
Answer: The lamp is on the table
Ara, anem a practicar les següents estructures gramaticals:
Pregunta: Where is the lamp?
Resposta: The lamp is on the table
Now we are going to practice the prepositions (on, in, under, by) singing this song:
Try to do the movements with your hands!
Ara anem a practicar les preposicions (on, in, under, by) cantant aquesta cançó:
Intenta fer els moviments amb les teves mans!
To end with this lesson you can realize this Educaplay activity:
Goodbye everybody!
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