Feines per nivells

dilluns, 30 de març del 2020

English time!! (Monday 30th)

Good morning everybody!!

What day is today?

Today is MONDAY 30th of March!

We are going to listen again the song of "Where's my mouse". Then, you have to look at the picture of the activity and complete the lyrics of the song doing the Educaplay activity with the correct word.

Anam a escoltar una altra vegada la cançó "Where's my mouse". Després, has de mirar la imatge de l'activitat i completar la lletra de la cançó fent l'activitat d'Educaplay fent click a la paraula correcta.

Now we are going to to this word roulette game. Look at the picture and write the correct word.

Ara anem a fer aquesta ruleta de paraules. Mireu la imatge i escriviu la paraula correcta.

Goodbye everybody!!

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