Feines per nivells

dimecres, 18 de març del 2020

English time!! (Wednesday 18th)


Good morning everybody!!

What day is today???


Let's listen the following audio. First Listen and then repeat!

Anem a escoltar el següent àudio. Primer escoltem i després repetim.

Now let's practice the following grammatical structures:
Question: Where is the lamp?
Answer: The lamp is on the table

Ara, anem a practicar les següents estructures gramaticals:
Pregunta: Where is the lamp?
Resposta: The lamp is on the table

Now we are going to practice the prepositions (on, in, under, by) singing this song:
Try to do the movements with your hands!

Ara anem a practicar les preposicions (on, in, under, by) cantant aquesta cançó:
Intenta fer els moviments amb les teves mans!

To end with this lesson you can realize this Educaplay activity:

Goodbye everybody!

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