Feines per nivells

dimarts, 24 de març del 2020

English time!! (Tuesday 24th)

Good morning, everybody!

What day is today??

Today is TUESDAY!

Today we are going to tell a new story! First, we have to listen and repeat a few words of the new vocabulary to be familiar with them.

Avui anem a contar un nou conte! Primer, hem d'escoltar i repetir unes quantes paraules del nou vocabulari per familiaritzar-nos amb elles.

Are you ready to listen the story? Here it is! Pay attention to all the clothes that Froggy wears.

Esteu preparats per escoltar el conte? Aquí està! Presteu atenció a tota la roba que duu en Frogyy.

Now we can listen and sing this song!!

Goodbye everybody!!

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