Feines per nivells

divendres, 27 de març del 2020

English time!! (Friday 27th)

Good morning everybody!!

What day is today??
Today is FRIDAY!!

Let's practice the vocabulary of "My bedroom" doing this activity:

Anam a practicar el vocabulari de "My bedroom" fent aquesta activitat:

Now, let's practice the prepositions with the song again! Ready? Let's go!

Ara, a practicar les preposicions amb aquesta cançó! Preparats? Endavant!

Look at the picture and the read the words:

Mireu aquesta imatge i llegiu les paraules:

Remember that "by" is the same as "next to"
Recorda que "by" és el mateix que "next to"

Now, let's do this activity. You have to match the picture with the correct audio:

Ara, anem a fer aquesta activitat. Has de relacionar la imatge amb l'àudio que li correspongui:

To end this session we are going to do the following activity. You have to look at the picture, listen to the audio and say if it is true or false.

Per acabar aquesta sessió, anem a fer la següent activitat. Has de mirar la imatge, escoltar l'àudio i dir si és vertader o fals.

Goodbye everybody!

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