Feines per nivells

dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2020

English time!! (Wednesday 22nd)

Good morning everybody!!

How are you?? Ready to practice more English??

Com estau tots i totes?? Estau preparats per seguir practicant anglès?

What day is today??

Today is Wednesday 22nd (twenty-second) of April

We are going to review some vocabulary! Look at the presentation, repeat all aloud!

Avui anem a repasar vocabulari! Mira la presentació, repeteix tot en veu alta!

Now, listen to this audio. You have to look at the picture and find the animal who is talking about. When you find the animal, point it with your finger on the screen.

Ara, escolta aquest àudio. Has de mirar la imatge i trobar a l'animal del que està parlant. Quan l'hagis trobat, assenyala'l amb el teu dit a damunt la pantalla.

Now, you can do this Educaplay activity to practice the vocabulary

Ara, pots fer aquesta activitat d'Educaplay per practicar el vocabulari:

Goodbye everybody!

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