Feines per nivells

dijous, 26 de març del 2020

English time!! (Thursday 26th)

Good morning everybody!

What day is today??
Today is THURSDAY!!

How's the weather like today?


Today we are going to practice the main vocabulary of the story "Froggy gets dressed". Are you ready? If you want, you can watch again the story and point to Froggy's clothes saying the names aloud.

Avui anem a practicar el vocabulari del conte "Froggy gets dressed". Esteu preparats? Si voleu, podeu veure el vídeo una altra vegada i senyalar la roba d'en Froggy dient els noms en anglès en veu alta.


Practice with this activity. Don't forget to say the words aloud!!

Practica amb aquesta activitat. No t'oblidis de repetir les paraules en veu alta!

Now sing and dance the song of the clothes!

Goodbye everybody!

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