Feines per nivells

dimecres, 25 de març del 2020

English time!! (Wednesday 25th)

Good morning everybody!!

What day is today??

Today is WEDNESDAY 25th of March!

We are going to listen the next audio. Look at the picture and repeat all the words aloud!

Anem a escoltar el següent àudio. Mira la imatge i repeteix totes les paraules en veu alta!

Now listen and sing the next song! Look at the lyrics and read! :)

Ara escoltem i cantem la següent cançó! Mireu la lletra i llegiu! :)

Now, we are going to practice and write the words of the vocabulary doing this activity!

Ara, anem a practicar i a escriure les paraules del vocabulari fent aquesta activitat!

Goodbye everybody!

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