Feines per nivells

dimarts, 17 de març del 2020

English time!! (Tuesday 17th)

Good morning everybody!

What day is today?

Bon dia a tothom!

Quin dia és avui?


Let's practice the vocabulary from the book "Glad monster, sad monster". You can watch this video to remember it.


Anem a practicar el vocabulari del llibre "Glad monster, sad monster". Podeu veure aquest vídeo per recordar-ho.

Now, we are going to do this activity. Don't forget to say the names aloud!

Ara, anem a fer aquesta activitat. No us oblideu de repetir les paraules en veu alta!

Now we can do this craft. You can create your own monster mask! If you don't have printer you can trace the mask! Put a white paper on the computer's screen and follow the lines. Here you have the link to visualize or print all the masks: http://www.makinglearningfun.com/themepages/GladMonster-VisualDiscrimination.htm

Ara podem fer aquesta manualitat. Pots crear la teva pròpia màscara! Si no tens impressora pots calcar-la. Posa un paper a damunt la pantalla de l'ordinador i segueix les línies. Aquí tens el link per visalitzar o imprimir totes les màsqueres: http://www.makinglearningfun.com/themepages/GladMonster-VisualDiscrimination.htm

Masks de mguitartroig

Once your masks are ready say these sentences aloud: How do you feel today? I FEEL HAPPY/SAD/LOVING...etc.

Una vegada les teves màsqueres estiguin acabades has de dir aquestes oracions en veu alta: How do you feel today? I FEEL HAPPY/SAD/LOVING...etc.

Goodbye everybody!!

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