Feines per nivells

divendres, 3 d’abril del 2020

English time!! (Friday 3rd)

Good morning everybody!

What day is today??

Today is FRIDAY 3rd of April!!

Let's sing the song of the abecedary in English and review the letters!

Anam a cantar la cançó de l'abecedari en anglès per repassar les lletres! 

Now it's time to do a Kahoot! I'm going to share with you the link. You have to click on "Kahoot Challenge" and play! Don't forget to write your name.

Ara és hora de fer un Kahoot! Comparteixo el link amb vosaltres. Heu de fer click a "Kahoot Challenge" y jugar! No t'oblidis d'escriure el teu nom.

Goodbye everybody!

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