Feines per nivells

divendres, 3 d’abril del 2020

English time!! (Friday 3rd)

Good morning everybody!!

What day is today?

Today is FRIDAY 3rd of April!

We are going to do this activity. You have to look at the picture, read the sentence and click on "yes" or "no", depending on if the sentence is true or false.

Anam a fer aquesta activitat. Heu de mirar la imatge, llegir la frase i fer click a "yes o "no" depenent si la frase és vertadera o falsa.

Now you are going to do this activity. You have to write on a paper the sentences in order, then look at the picture and write next to the sentence what object does the sentence refer to. Look at the example:

Ara anam a fer aquesta activitat. Has d'escriure en un paper les frases en l'ordre correcte, després mirar el dibuix i escriure a devora la frase a qué objecte se refereix cada una. Fixa't en l'exemple.

Goodbye everybody!!

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