Feines per nivells

dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2020

English time!! (Wednesday 8th)

Good morning everybody! 

What day is today??

Today is WEDNESDAY 8th of April!

If you didn't do the work from las Wednesday, here is the link to visulize the blog: (Wednesday 1st) 

Si no vareu fer les tasques del dimecres passat, aquí teniu el link per visualitzar l'entrada del blog: (Dimecres 1)

As you know we start the Easter Holidays today! So I am going to propose to you a task and you can do it whenever you want!

Com ja sabeu, avui començam les vacances de Pasqua! Així que us proposaré de fer una tasca i la podeu fer quan vulgueu un d'aquests dies!

 I am going to propose to you to paint you bedroom! You have to write the words of the vocabulary and write some sentences (3-6). I show you one example with my bedroom.

Us proposaré que pinteu la vostra habitació! Heu d'escriure les paraules del vocabulari i unes quantes frases (3 mínim i 6 màxim). Us mostraré un exemple que he fet de la meva habitació.

Then you can send me a picture of your work to mguitart@ceipsantferran.com

Després podeu enviar-me una foto de la vostra feina a mguitart@ceipsantferran.com

Happy Easter! Courage!

Feliç Pasqua! ÁNIMS!

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