What day is today??
Today is WEDNESDAY 8th of April!
If you didn't do the work from las Wednesday, here is the link to visulize the blog: (Wednesday 1st)
Si no vareu fer les tasques del dimecres passat, aquí teniu el link per visualitzar l'entrada del blog: (Dimecres 1)
As you know we start the Easter Holidays today! So I am going to propose to you a task and you can do it whenever you want!
Com ja sabeu, avui començam les vacances de Pasqua! Així que us proposaré de fer una tasca i la podeu fer quan vulgueu un d'aquests dies!
I am going to propose to you to paint you bedroom! You have to write the words of the vocabulary and write some sentences (3-6). I show you one example with my bedroom.
Us proposaré que pinteu la vostra habitació! Heu d'escriure les paraules del vocabulari i unes quantes frases (3 mínim i 6 màxim). Us mostraré un exemple que he fet de la meva habitació.
Then you can send me a picture of your work to mguitart@ceipsantferran.com
Després podeu enviar-me una foto de la vostra feina a mguitart@ceipsantferran.com
Happy Easter! Courage!
Feliç Pasqua! ÁNIMS!
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