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dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2020

English time!! (Wednesday 8th)

Hello everybody!

What day is today?

Today is WEDNESDAY 8th of April!

We are going to listen a story of Easter! In this story the kids want to find the golden egg. But there are two Martians, who don't speak english very well, that want the golden egg, too! And they have more specific technological instruments to find the golden egg. You have to click on the next link to watch the story: The Great Egg Hunt

Avui anam a escoltar un conte de Pasqua! En aquest conte hi ha dos nins que volen trobar l'ou daurat de Pasqua. Però arriben dos marcians de l'espai, que no parlen anglès molt bé, que també volen aquest ou de Pasqua! I a més tenen instruments tecnològics més específics per poder trobar-ho. Heu de fer click al següent enllaç per poder veure el vídeo: The Great Egg Hunt

Then, you can do the game under the video

Després pots jugar al joc que es troba davall el vídeo

Goodbye everybody and Happy Easter! Courage!

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